Tag Archives marketing

What should you blog about?


  (image by Fearless Stumbler, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) A lot of people have said to me, "Okay, Staci...I get it that blogging is good for business. The problem is, what the heck am I supposed to blog about?" I totally get it...it's really hard at first to figure out what to write about. ...

How I lost nearly 7 thousand email subscribers – and how you can avoid it happening to you.


(image by Andrea Smith, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) A few months ago, I lost almost 7 thousand subscribers from the email newsletter list I've built for my handmade ornament business..and it happened in pretty much one fell swoop. It was more than half my list. And, I knew going into it that it ...

Why I won’t be breaking up with Facebook (I don’t think you should, either).


(image by Frank Guido, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) There's been a whole lot of chatter lately over Facebook's new algorithm changes, and most of it is of the angry variety. You may have seen the infamous Facebook "breakup letter" that's gone viral over the last few days. I just read it (ironically...on Facebook), ...