All Posts By Staci Ann Lowry

On putting yourself out there…


I would say one of the hardest things (at least, for me) to deal with in a growing business has been facing what feels like a constant barrage of criticism (sometimes good, and sometimes not) and even ridicule. Back when I first began my business Facebook page, the goal was to get as many people to ...

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This Crazy Month


The last month has been the most difficult I've ever experienced in my business. But, I do think we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It was difficult because we began implementing our big software switch. Previously, I had 2000 members, in a club which delivered digital AND physical products, built on simply a PayPal button ...

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Feeling Overwhelmed.


I have to say, I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed lately. Definitely feeling some business & personal growing pains! I have my first public speaking gig in less than 2 weeks.. excited, but scared half to death, too. I want to get a video for putting together our current kit onto the membership site. This should already be done actually, ...

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A $20K Per Month Handmade Business Blog.


I wanted to share an article that was just written about my handmade ornament business... by Bradley Will, of Learn To Blog. He interviewed me about things like how I got started with my business and blog, what kinds of things have helped me to build up traffic and an audience, and a lot more. It's an ...

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