I have to say, I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed lately.
Definitely feeling some business & personal growing pains!
I have my first public speaking gig in less than 2 weeks.. excited, but scared half to death, too.
I want to get a video for putting together our current kit onto the membership site. This should already be done actually, and I’m upset with myself that it’s not.
I have our next OG kit to get finished, which includes the pictures, the eBook, ordering the printing and shipping supplies, finishing all the pieces & parts of the kit, and getting my marketing plan in order.
(Failing in the marketing department lately – I’m just having such a hard time keeping up.)
I have to finish all my tax stuff, which was a nightmare this year, with the growth of the OG Club. (I’m not complaining, but just the tax stuff has been an absolute nightmare. This should be easier next year, now that I have an idea of what the heck I’m doing!)
I am in the middle of re-building our Ornament Girl Marketplace site (it’s like an Etsy, but just for ornaments and supplies… and smaller, of course lol). There are over 1K items listed there, and now the site is breaking down. I’m having to build something better that can handle us!
We are smack dab in the middle of our move to Infusionsoft and that in itself is the most overwhelming thing of all.
Oh, and there’s a frog waiting for me in my toilet at home. For real – he scared the daylights out of me this morning when I walked into the bathroom, and every time I tried to capture him, he swam down the hole. I am afraid of where he might be now (and afraid of what my two cats may have done with him if he dared leave the toilet).
I sure hope he didn’t jump in my bed or something.
How the heck did a frog end up in my toilet?
Lisa M Cope
April 24, 2017Just wanted to let you know that you rocked that speaking engagement! You were a true inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story with us #beachpreneurs
Staci Ann Lowry
April 25, 2017Thank you so much, Lisa! Can’t wait to see you again at the next one! 🙂