I did not start selling tutorials to make my ornaments for a long time...I was afraid to. I was afraid that it would kill my business. I was afraid that no one would want to buy my finished ornaments anymore. I was afraid all my ideas would get taken. I was afraid I'd create a zillion new competitors on ...
Why I won’t be breaking up with Facebook (I don’t think you should, either).
(image by Frank Guido, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) There's been a whole lot of chatter lately over Facebook's new algorithm changes, and most of it is of the angry variety. You may have seen the infamous Facebook "breakup letter" that's gone viral over the last few days. I just read it (ironically...on Facebook), ...
No, you DON’T need to blog “consistently” for your handmade business.
(image by stockerre, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) "No matter how often you blog, just make sure that you're consistent." "Even if you can only blog once a week, at least be sure to do it the same day each week." "Your readers won't trust you if you aren't consistent with your posts." Statements like these ...
Build your own website – A step by step guide just for handmade sellers (and a printable checklist, too).
(image by Tara S, used under CC BY 2.0, modified from original.) I know that if you've never built a website before, it can seem seriously overwhelming. And yet, if there is anything I've learned from my years of selling online, it's this: if you have a handmade business, you need your own site. When I say "your ...
How to get your website online | Setting up web hosting.
This post is part of a series of articles that will teach you how to build your own website, step by step. You can read an overview of all of the steps, right HERE (plus get a printable checklist). I am re-doing the video for this post, as the checkout process has been updated a bit. ...
Choosing (and buying) a domain name for your website.
This post is part of a series of articles that will teach you how to build your own website, step by step. You can read an overview of all of the steps, right HERE (plus get a printable checklist). Choosing your domain name is the "pre-build" step in creating your own website. But first, what exactly is ...