If you ever decide you’d like to create a home page for your website, that does NOT contain your latest blog posts… and instead showcases something different that you’d like to share… you can do that easily in WordPress.
This video will show you how.
(This video is a couple of years old, so you might notice a few differences in the appearance of the WordPress dashboard…. but the process is exactly the same.)
[s3video s3url=”creating-a-custom-home-page.mp4″ s3bucket=”staciannlowry” /]
To do this, you’ll need to create two new pages on your site. The first page will be your new home page. This is the page that will replace what is currently being shown on your home page (which is a list of blog posts).
The second new page that you will need to create is the page where your list of blog posts will now be located, since they will no longer be on your home page.
To add the new custom home page, go to Pages > Add New. You can name this whatever you want. Inside the body editor, you can create your new page, and then publish.
Now, you can add the page for your blog posts to live. Simply create a new page (again, Pages > Add New), and give this whatever name you’d like (blog, articles, stories, etc), and then publish it. You do not need to add any content into the body of this page (because your blog posts will soon be populating it).
Now that your two pages exist, setting them to fulfill the purpose you want is very simple.
Go to Settings > Reading. At the top of this page, you’ll see an option that says “Front Page Displays”. Here you can choose if you want your front page to display your latest posts, or a static page. We want to display the new custom home page, so click the radio button beside “static page”. You’ll now be able to choose from the dropdown menus, which page to show for your front page, and which page to choose for your blog posts. Choose your new custom home page (whatever you named it) for the “front” page, and your new blog page for the “posts” page. Make sure you hit save. Your new custom home page will now show as your home page.
You may not see your “blog” page in your menu yet. If not, be sure to go back and add it to your menu (Appearance > Menus).