If you have been thinking about building your own website, but are a little unsure how to go about it, or it feels overwhelming, watch this video. It will show you how easy it is to set one up…. in 2 days or less, you could be looking at your own website, live online for the world to see:
[s3video s3url=”build-your-own-website.mp4″ /]
If you’d like host your new website with HostGator, you can check them out right HERE.
I moved a little quick in the video, but here are the in-depth tutorials I talked about, if you need a little extra help with the steps:
- Choosing and buying your domain name.
- Setting up hosting.
- Setting your name servers.
- Installing WordPress
And, as promised, HERE is an awesome way to add extra, passive income to your handmade business.
And, if you’d like more video tutorials to help you do things like….
- customize your new website
- easily add your own shopping cart
- create beautiful product galleries
- and lots more
…. then check out my Website Tutorial Library (it’s free), right HERE.
Debbie Flaherty
July 31, 2015Hi Staci
on 7/31/2015 It took me a couple of hours but I’ve GOT A WEBSITE 🙂 much thanks and now to keep on developing it. Thank you for all your help 🙂 and you’re invited to visit my Etsy shop at http://www.flahertynaturals.Etsy.com and follow my website progress (and make suggestions ? 🙂 Have a great weekend….I know what I’ll be doing 🙂
Staci Ann Lowry
July 31, 2015Debbie, that is AWESOME! Huge congrats!
August 19, 2015Hi, Staci ~
Can you tell me the name of the plugin you use for your social sharing buttons? I’ve looked at several different options, but can’t seem to find the look that I want (which happens to be what you have!).
My website is coming along great thanks to all your tips and suggestions!
Staci Ann Lowry
August 19, 2015Hey Christy! I use a plugin called Simplified Social Sharing. The author is LoginRadius. I had a video showing how to set it up, but the plugin had a big update lately so I need to re-do it. But, the plugin is actually really easy to use.. When you install it, it’ll add a whole new menu item in your left-navigation of your WP Dashboard (called “social sharing”, and that’s where you can go after you’ve installed it, to set it all up. It will let you choose to add buttons horizontally to either top or bottom of your posts (or both), and also vertically along the left side of your posts too, if you want. And then also, you can pick and choose which social platforms you want to show, and which you don’t.
I hope that helps, and I’m so excited to hear that you’re getting your site up and running.. that’s awesome! 😀
(p.s. The plugin has a few bad reviews, but I really don’t understand why…. but I’ve never had a problem with it myself.)
September 22, 2015I’m just researching all of the info I can on starting a website, do you have to know a lot about computers? I mean I know the basics but as far as, like you were talking above about a plugin I have not idea what that is, i’m feeling like I might not know enough to even attempt this. great info though and thank you
Staci Ann Lowry
September 23, 2015Hi Doreen…. Okay, so, I think I’m going to have a big answer for you lol.
The short answer is no, you don’t have to know a lot about computers. WordPress has an interface that is basically made for building a website, without needing to know a lot of techie stuff. And, I think maybe it would be a good idea for you to watch a couple of the videos I’ve got HERE, just to give you an idea of what WordPress looks like and how it works, and so you can see if it looks like something you’re ready to tackle. (I’ve also got step by steps on things like plugins and more, so don’t feel like you have to know what all that stuff is right from the start.)
But…. with that being said, you WILL have to do some problem solving every so often. Things will go wrong, you’ll need to figure out how to do something, etc… and you’ll sometimes need to do a little troubleshooting in order to fix or figure out. The awesome thing about WordPress though, is that you can figure almost anything out by just Googling the problem. It’s so widely used now that there are zillions of resources out there to help you with just about any issue you could possibly come across.
There are also a zillion things you can do with WordPress! You can add almost any functionality you could possibly ever want or need, many times at the click of a button… and as you get more and more comfortable with using it, it will become MUCH easier for you to do that.
If it helps, I knew nothing at all about websites when I first began myself. I just figured it all out as I went. There were definitely frustrating moments along the way. But, if you go into it with the right expectations (knowing that it will take time and work, and that it won’t always be perfect), it is very worth it.
September 24, 2015thank you for your quick answer…. I did download your e-book and it is very good with a lot of info in it, I even took notes lol. I’m hoping to get a website up and running in the near future but want to learn the basics first. Could I ask how much inventory you had made up when you started your website? thanks again for all the information
Staci Ann Lowry
September 24, 2015I’m really glad you’re finding the ebook helpful!
I did not have much inventory when I started my website…. I had already been selling on eBay, and I started my site right after the Christmas season…. so didn’t have much left, plus sales had slowed for me, which I thought made it a good time to start investing time into building the website.
September 25, 2015I haven’t tried to sell on e-bay or etsy, seemed like not a good fit for me, I do have a fb business page and put some of my stuff on local selling sites but honestly its been a hit and miss, that’s why I think a website would be a good idea. Sometimes you doubt yourself, like will people really want to buy my stuff? and if so why haven’t I been more successful, but fb is so limiting, i’m rambling. thank you and I hope I can pick your brain from time to time.
Staci Ann Lowry
September 27, 2015You can pick my brain here any time, Doreen! That’s why I started this site. 🙂
I agree that Facebook is limiting in many ways, and the biggest limit of all is that it’s another place that you don’t actually “own”, and that makes it something you have to depend on if it’s all you’ve got to sell your stuff.
Facebook is totally amazing though if you use it to get people back to your own site and then onto your email list, which is how I use it. It’s a great marketing tool. I post almost every day on my Facebook biz page and I love using it, but ultimately, I am always trying to bring people back to my own site.
I totally get the self-doubting! I do it over and over, I think we ALL do it…. I still do it with my ornament business, even after years of selling, and I have had major doubts about THIS site, too. It’s totally human nature, but if it helps, success WILL come with time if you keep working towards specific goals. Pieces start to fall into place. It sort of becomes like a snowball, and once you get that thing rolling, it starts to pick up momentum quicker and quicker. Most people give up too soon though! It really does take time (unless you’re lucky enough to get discovered by Oprah or something, haha). Time, trying new things, seeing what works and what doesn’t, doing more of what DOES, and continuing to move toward goals. 🙂